Onboard Users

Onboard Users

In this project, we want to onboard 20 new Linux users onto a server. Create a shell script that reads a CSV file of a list of users to be onboarded. Each user requires the following:

  • Must have a default /home directory, ie /home/cdrani/ for user cdrani

  • Each user must be added to a developers group

  • An .ssh folder with an authorized_keys file that includes the rsa.pub key of the current user ($USER)

STEP 1: Setup Private & Public keys for $USER

  1. Generating ssh private (id_rsa) and public key (id_rsa.pb) for $USER. The public key will be copied over to each onboarded user's .ssh/authorized_keys file. We will make use of ssh-keygen and just press Enter/Return key to accept the default file names and placement. In the end, we should have both id_rsa and id_rsa.pub keys in ~/.ssh folder.

     sudo ssh-keygen

STEP 2: Onboarding Script

Now for the script itself. It's heavily documented with comments, but some additional criteria I included are to verify that the script is run by a root user, a .csv file is passed as an argument and a default password of password is set for each onboarded user with an expiration date of 7 days.


# Exit if script is not run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
  echo "This script must be run as root."
  exit 1

# Exit if file is not provided
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "Please provide the name of the CSV file."
  exit 1

# Exit if file provided is not a .csv file
if [ "${file##*.}" != "csv" ]; then
  echo "The file must be a CSV file."
  exit 1

# Create developers group if it doesn't exist
if ! getent group developers > /dev/null 2>&1; then
  groupadd developers

# Read the CSV file
while IFS=',' read -r name

  # Check if user exists
  if id "$username" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    echo "User $username already exists."

  # Create user
  useradd "$username" -g developers -m
  echo "$username:default_password" | chpasswd

  # Set password expiration to 7 days
  # After expiration user needs to set/change password
  chage -m 7 "$username"

  # Ensure .ssh folder exists for user, otherwise create one
  home_dir=$(eval echo "~$username")
  if [ ! -d "$ssh_dir" ]; then
    mkdir "$ssh_dir"
    chmod 700 "$ssh_dir" $username

  # Add public key to users' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  touch "$auth_keys"
  chmod 600 "$auth_keys" $username
  # Need to give ownership to user else cannot login as them!!!
  chown $username:developers "$auth_keys"
  echo $(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) >> "$auth_key"
done < "$file"

To run the script we need a *.csv file with a list of names:

# names.csv

Then we need our script to be executable before we run it:

sudo chmod +x onboard_users.sh
sudo ./onboard_users.sh names.csv

Let's test out some of the conditionals we have in place:

We now should have /home/$user (for ex. /home/beth/) directories for each user in the names.csv file:

Finally, we should be able to log in as any of the newly onboarded users, however, our new users don't use the same private key that we set up when launching our ec2 instance - we must use the one we generated above (id_rsa).

First, we need to ensure our key is not publicly viewable, i.e it is not writable:

sudo chmod -w id_rsa

After the above, we can then copy the private key from our remote server (ec2) to our local environment using scp:

# scp -i <key> <remote_username>@<Host>:<PathToFile>   <LocalFileLocation>
scp -i ~/Desktop/webserver-ec2.pem ubuntu@ ~/.ssh/aux_id_rsa

With that complete, from our local computer, we can log in as an onboarded user:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/aux_id_rsa fred@

Only users with the auth key can log in:

Note: One can log in using the *.pem key for the ec2 instance as well.


Testing the script several times to address issues necessitated removing users as well. This quickly turned into a pain point that required a deboard.sh script. It has the same checks as the onboard.sh one which could be refactored out into a separate script that runs before both of them, but it's good enough.


if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
  echo "This script must be run as root."
  exit 1

# Check if argument is provided
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "Please provide the name of the CSV file."
  exit 1

# Check if argument is a .csv file
if [ "${file##*.}" != "csv" ]; then
  echo "The file must be a CSV file."
  exit 1

# Read the CSV file
while IFS=',' read -r fname lname

  # Check if user exists
  if ! id "$username" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    echo "User $username does not exist."

  # Remove user
  sudo userdel -r "$username"
done < "$file"

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